Microbial whole genome sequencing

Solu specializes in fast, cost-effective whole genome sequencing and analysis for pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Available for pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

Send us your microbial samples, receive genome reports in a matter of days

Eppendorf tube and pipette

Prepare your samples for collection

Have your DNA or cell pellets ready for collection. We will set up a shipping label and pick up for your samples.

Fast whole genome sequencing

We peform the library preparation and whole genome sequencing for your samples. This takes as little as 1 to 3 working days from receiving the samples.

Researcher using Solu platform

Results delivered online

Utilize our secure dashboard to access the reads, genomes, and analyses.

Pricing and timelines

Valid in United States, please contact us for availability and pricing in other markets.

Long-read sequencing
Long-read sequencing with Oxford Nanopore v10.4 chemistry
30-50x coverage, quality guarantee
1 to 3 business days from receiving samples
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Hybrid sequencing
Oxford nanopore + Illumina sequencing
Polished hybrid assembly
30-50x coverage, quality guarantee
8 to 10 days from receiving samples
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Long-read sequencing
DNA extraction from cells
Long-read sequencing with Oxford Nanopore v10.4 chemistry
30-50x coverage, quality guarantee
8 to 10 business days from receiving samples
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Hybrid sequencing
DNA extraction from cells
Oxford nanopore + Illumina sequencing
Polished hybrid assembly
30-50x coverage, quality guarantee
10 to 12 days from receiving samples
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Which option should I select?

The sequencing platform choice will depend on your organisms and experiment goals. Hybrid sequencing produces the highest quality results, but takes longer and costs more than long-read sequencing. Don't hesitate to ask our team for recommendations.

Are long-read sequences reliable?

Long-read sequencing quality has massively improved, and most practical use cases are fine with long-read only sequencing but use cases where absolute precision is required should employ the hybrid method.

What are the sample requirements?

We require 1 µg high-quality DNA or 8-12 OD600 cells of an isolate. The organism's genome size should be under 20 Mbp. See sample preparation guidelines here. We are not able to process metagenomic or polymicrobial samples.

What happens if sequencing fails?

We will re-sequence failed samples free of charge to make sure that the error was not due to sequencing. If the sequencing fails a second time, it is likely that we will need a new sample.

What organisms can be sequenced?

We can sequence pathogenic bacteria and fungi BSL 2 or lower.

Get started with sequencing

Contact us today to learn more about our bacterial whole genome sequencing services.